We built a Dopplio Chrome Extension to help save you time when importing background images for your videos
Search for "Dopplio" on the Chrome Web Store and add it to Chrome
Take Screenshot
Navigate to the page you'd like to screenshot, make sure your window is > 976 pixels wide, then:
1) select the Dopplio extension
2) select "Capture screenshot"
The Dopplio Chrome Extension will scroll your window (make sure not to scroll, or move your mouse or window while this happens) and screenshot the page
Verify Success
If successful, you will see a thumbnail and a green checkmark in the chrome extension's modal
Use in Video Generation
Navigate to the generation page of a template with variable background images
(Templates -> [Select a Template] -> Generate)
To insert the image, simply select the "Load From Extension" button
If successful, you should see a checked radio button that says "Extension" and a small thumbnail of the image appear at the bottom of the step
Feel free to rinse-and-repeat as many times as needed for multiple steps!
If you're having trouble getting the extension to take a screenshot, try the following:
Make sure you have the latest version of our extension downloaded
If you've just installed the extension, make sure you're using it in a new tab that was only created AFTER installing the extension
Otherwise feel free to reach out to support via the help chat, we're here to help :)